Pukekura Park - Orienteering Event


Sat 06 Jun 2020 12:00 — 15:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Classic Orienteering point to point event. 
Choose from three courses = long/physical (lots of hills), medium/moderate (some hills) and short/gentle (least hills).  Choose wisely - you have been warned!!

Start location is at the TSB stadium car park between 12 noon and 1.30pm. Course closes 3pm

Event charges - if you pre-register by 1am Friday 5th June and pre-pay you will get a waterproof map.
We encourage you to select this option to save the planet!!
Turn up on the day with the correct cash for an ordinary paper map (BYO plastic bag) - limited number of on the day entries.

Dibber hire is $3/event
Members - Adult $5 and Juniors $3
Non-Members -Adults $10 and Juniors $5

Payment details 
Bank Account 15 3956 0056264 00
In payment reference details could you please put the event name, your Family name and number of people you are paying for and which courses.