Urban Rogaine Series 2023


Wednesday's from 8th February, with last event on 22nd March ( with exception of no event on 1st March)
Various - see flyer

Event information

This event has passed.

Please bring correct cash on the night or pay online reference Rogaines

Orienteering Taranaki 

TSB 15 3956 0056264 00



As many of you are aware, we are moving the scoring of our series from the manual question and answer system to an app called MAPRUN.  This uses the GPS on your phone to determine if you have successfully visited the check point. There will be no clues, you will just need to enter the circle on your map for the points to be scored. 

In preparation: 

  1. If you already have Maprun or Maprun6 on your phone, delete these apps and load the new version of Maprun. 

  1. Before the event, open Maprun and navigate to “Select Event/New Zealand/Taranaki/Rogaine 2023” and select the event for the appropriate week. (separate selection for whether you are on foot or bike).

  1. In your phone settings, check Map run is set to “Always On” otherwise it may close down when your phone sleeps. Disabling any power saving battery modes may help or check out  this link here -  Recommend going into Airplane mode to save battery while competing. 

On the Day: 

  1. Registration from 5:30 

  1. Briefing will be 5.45

  1. Maps available from 5:50

  1. Load up MapRun and start the event of the day 

  1. Race starts at 6:00

The event: 

  1. The event goes live on your phone at 6:00 

  2. You will need to navigate to the start triangle and your phone will beep and a notification will come up 

  3. Go to controls in order you wish to and at each control you will receive a notification 

  4. All controls will be centred on the footpath not the road. You will be able to pick them up on bikes from the side of the road. Pedestrians should not try and log them by going to the middle of the road 

  1. We anticipate that there may be some failures due to poor georeferencing of the map. Sorry but let’s see how that goes. 

  1. Finish before deaignated finish time and make sure you register the finish. 


  1. Normal rogaine scoring applies 

  1. Penalty points are 30 points/minute